Takumar SMC 135mm f/3.5 Lens SBIG STF-8300M Atik EFW2 Filter Wheel Astrodon
Ha,OIII,SII filters Losmandy G11-Gemini 2
SII (Red) = 9x20min Ha (Green) = 9x20min OIII (Blue) = 6x30min Total exposure
= 9hrs Image captured with my widefield imaging setup The field of view
is approximagely 8x6 deg
EON 80mm Apo Refractor Atik 383L+ mono camera Guided with AT8RC and DSI
Pro II camera Hydrogen-alpha filter 6x20 minutes 4x30 minutes
OIII filter 6x30 minutes Ha/OIII/OIII (False RGB)