APM/TMB115 Refractor @ f/11 (Tak TOA 1.6 Extender)
Atik 383L+ Mono Camera Atik EFW2 Filter Wheel Atik OAG
Baader LRGB filters Losmandy G11
L=160min R=200min G=180min B=170min Total Exposure = 11hrs 50min This image was made using a "synthetic luminance" created from the best LUM, R, G, and B sub exposures. This is my second image using the Tak TOA 1.6x extender, pushing my APM115 f/7 refractor to f/11. The extender narrows the field of view, the tradeoff being that longer exposures are necessary. I started with 10min exposures but soon realized that 20min exposures would be better.