CFF250RC/G3-16200M SV80ST/QHY163M Optolong LRGB
Astrodon RGB
Astro-Physics 1100GTO
L=53x10min + 20x1min
B=7x10min + 104x3min
G=7x10min + 104x3min
R=5x10min + 93x3min
Total =34hrs 43min
APM/TMB115 @ f/5.4 Riccardi .75x Reducer Atik 383L+ Mono
Camera Atik EFW2 Filter Wheel Atik OAG Astrodon LRGB/Ha filters
Losmandy G11-Gemini 2
L=165min B=130min G=90min R=105min Ha=240min
Total =12hrs 10min
AT8RC, QHY8, Losmandy G11 guided with Orion SSAG/Orion EON
6.5 hours (8 & 10min subs) + 2.5 hours Ha (20min subs)
Lights, Flats and Bias calibrated and stacked in DeepSkyStacker
Photoshop: Levels/curves adjustments, smartsharpen filter, reduce noise
filter, high pass filter, shadows/highlights filter, GradientXTerminator,
increase color saturation Carboni Actions: Increase Star Color