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Jones-Emberson 1

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Located at a distance of around 1600 light years away in the constellation Lynx, Jones-Emberson 1 is an ancient, large and faint planetary nebula.  A tough visual target, the nebula responds well to narrowband filters.  

Acquisition Details

Ha = 21x10min
OIII = 35x10min
Total = 9hrs 20min

Scope:  APM/TMB115 @ f/5.4 (Riccardi .75x Reducer)
Camera:  Atik 383L+
Filters:  Astrodon RGB/Ha,OIII
Mount:  Losmandy G11


Ha=9x1200s OIII=12x1200s RGB=17min each

For this image I combined the stars from the Red filter with the Ha nebulosity, and combined the stars from the Blue filter with the OIII nebulosity. Then I added 20% of the OIII nebulosity to the Green channel Conditions were pretty horrible, but at least the sky was clear.