My name is Joel Short, and my love of the night sky is inspired by the
thought of God stretching his arms around the whole universe, around his
By day (and sometimes night) I am a pastor at a Mennonite church in rural
Indiana. On the rare occasions when the northern Indiana perma-cloud
lifts, I like to observe and photograph the majestic universe. I can't
help but acknowledge the power and wisdom of the Creator, who holds all
of creation in the palm of his hand, yet knows even the number of hairs
on my head (Luke 12:7). Big bang or Big Guy? For me, it's Big Guy with
a big bang!
If you have questions or comments about either my astrophotography
or about Mennonites and their beliefs, please don't hesitate to email me.
Oh, and I'm a big Ohio State football fan too!
Praise him, you highest heavens.
Let them praise the name of the Lord,
for he commanded and they were created.
Psalm 148:3-6